Steven Duchatelle 2017 Speaker


Advans Group, Sub-Saharan Africa


Steven Duchatelle is Chief Executive Officer of the Advans Group. Steven also acts as Chairman of the Board for Advans Cameroun, Advans Banque Congo, Advans Nigeria and sits on the Board of Advans Pakistan. Since 2004, Steven has primarily focused on the creation and development of the Advans network and the supervision of Advans greenfield institutions, he became Chief Investment Officer in 2006 then Chief Operations Officer in 2011 and deputy CEO, Operations, in June 2012. Since he joined Advans International in 2001, Steven has carried out numerous consulting assignments, mostly in Africa, on the following subjects in particular: technical audits of Microfinance Institutions, evaluation of programs and microfinance policies and feasibility studies for the creation of new institutions. Prior to joining Advans, Steven worked in audit and financial services in France and China.


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