Stanislas Zeze 2021 Speaker

Stanislas ZEZE

CEO & Chairman

Bloomfield Investment Corporation


Stanislas ZEZE is Ivoirian and he is the CEO & Chairman of Bloomfield Investment Corporation, a Panafrican credit rating agency based in Cote d’Ivoire with a representation in Cameroon and Rwanda. After studying business law in France, he went to the institute of Political Sciences and Economics at Eastern Michigan where he obtained a degree in Economics. He then was admited to the prestigious school of administration and management of the University of Michigan where he graduated with a Masters of Public Administration (MPA). During his professional career, Stanislas ZEZE occupied successively the positions of Director of Credit Risk at National Bank of Detroit, Senior Control and Operations Risk Analyst at the World Bank in Washington. Then he went back to Africa and joint the African Development Bank as Senior Country Risk Officer, and become in 2004, Regional Credit Director at Shell Oil Africa for West and Central Africa region. En 2007, he founded Bloomfield Investment Corporation and became the CEO & Chairman in 2008. Bloomfield Investment Corporation, is one of the four rating agencies on the African continent. Stanislas ZEZE is a member of the American ¨Public Administration association and member of Pi Sigma Alpha (a political sciences honor society). It is awarded a prize of governance champion at the leadership forum organized in 2014 in Abidjan.

In April 2016, he made the cover of Forbes Afrique magazine; and in December 2018, he received the award of best African financial person of the year by Financial Afrik, the leader in financial reporting in west Africa. He was decorated by the Republic of Ivory Coast with the distinction of officer of the Ivorian national order in August 2019.


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