14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Michael Fischer 2022 speaker

Director Financial Institution Africa
Michael Fischer has more than 25 years’ experience in international finance ranging from project finance to private equity. Over this time he has been involved in more than 150 finance transaction on the African continent alone. Since 2004 Michael Fischer heads DEG’s Regional Office, Southern Africa in Johannesburg.
In 2000 Michael Fischer joint DEG – German Investment and Development Company as Vice President New Business Africa. In this function he was responsible for DEG’s new business in predominantly East Africa. In addition he was DEG’s key account manager for the company’s telecom projects. Before joining DEG in Germany, Michael worked for over 8 years at Dresdner Bank Group in Germany and Southern Africa, predominantly in credit and corporate banking.
Michael Fischer holds an engineering and business administration degree from Karlsruhe Technical University, Germany. Over the years he has hold various directorships of African companies and advisory boardb seats of various private equity funds. Michael is currently a director of Global Credit Ratings and Beefmaster (Pty) Ltd.
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