14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Keletsositse Olebile 2018 Speaker
Chief Executive Officer
Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC)
Mr. Keletsositse Olebile is the Chief Executive Officer at the Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC). His role includes, being the lead advocate for a competitive and attractive investment climate in Botswana, facilitation of both domestic and foreign sourced investments, provision of aftercare services for companies doing business in Botswana, facilitation of regional expansions by Botswana based companies, and facilitation of Botswana goods and services into diversified export markets. Of great importance within his role is the national image building, and global awareness creation about Botswana through the Brand Botswana portfolio.
Mr. Olebile has served as Chief Operations Officer and Executive Director, Strategy and Competitiveness at BITC, and previously served at several reputable institutions including Bank of Botswana as Banking and Currency Supervisor, the University of Botswana as Assistant Manager, Financial Services, African Alliance International as the Unit Trust Administrator, Letshego as General Manager of the Insurance Subsidiary, Legal Guard, Barclays Bank of Botswana as Strategy and Planning Manager, and Botswana International Financial Services Center (IFSC), as Strategy and Research Executive.
In July and September 2017, working with a team from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED) and Botswana Unified Revenue Services, he presented Botswana’s submission to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP), where the team defended Botswana’s level of compliance with Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) standards.
Mr. Olebile currently serves as a non-executive director for Selebi Phikwe Regional Economic Diversification Unit, (SPEDU), Special Economic Zones Authority and the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA). At SPEDU, he chairs the Board Tender Committee, and is a member of the Board Projects and Investment Committee. At NBFIRA he is a member of the Board Finance and Audit Committee, and a member of the Board Licensing and Enforcement Committee. He is qualified with a Bachelor of Accountancy (BAcc), and a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA).
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