Jorgs Mbugua 2024 Speaker


EBikes Africa


Jorgs has a background in Land Administration from the Technical University of Kenya. He is well versed in GIS systems, web mapping, land laws, land use and planning. He founded Landinfo System, an open public web portal that offered official land record searches through the internet and digitized the communal data to create an easy to understand, crowdsourced, digital map of registered parcels of land in Kenya. Jorgs is also well experienced in policy formulation and implementation. He was on the team that drafted, lobbied for and passed the Unclaimed Financial Assets Act Regulations in Kenya. He went on to train all financial institutions in Kenya on legal compliance for unclaimed assets and got to build a valuable network and cache of knowledge regarding financial institutions and instruments in the industries of banking, insurance, capital markets, investment banking, pensions, utilities, deposit taking microfinance institutions, SACCOs, deposit protection and credit reference bureaus.


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