14th – 15th OCTOBER 2025 | LONDON
Hannah Subayi Kamuanga 2022 speaker

Country Officer
Hannah Subayi Kamuanga is an experienced investor in Africa (Private Equity / Venture Capital / Angel), currently acting as the Country Officer for the Republic Democratic of Congo (DRC) within Proparco – one of the largest DFIs in the world (https://www.proparco.fr/fr).
Hannah is an investment committee member of Launch Africa (https://www.launchafrica.vc/), the first pan-African early stage investment fund; as well as Aruwa Capital (https://www.aruwacapital.com/), a leading gender-lens Nigerian private equity fund.
Hannah has been recently appointed as a board member of ABAN, the African Business Angel Network (ABAN) is a Pan-African non-profit association (https://abanangels.org/).
Hannah is also the co-founder of 2 top investment clubs in Africa – Dazzle Angels, the first women-led tech club investing in female-led tech businesses and DIA, the first DRC impact investment club in the country.
Before joining Proparco, Hannah was a portfolio manager in a 1bn$ African fund and an investment banker in London.
She has a Master’s Degree in Management from HEC Paris Business School and a Master’s degree in business and international law from Paris I – La Sorbonne Law School.
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