African Investments Dashboard

Apply for Funding

Want to Raise Capital for an African Company, Fund or Project?

Apply for Investment
AFSIC investing in Africa
AFSIC investing in Africa

Do you have an Investment Opportunity with Comprehensive Investor Documents Prepared?

Then upload your opportunity onto the African Investments Dashboard to access our network of global institutional investors focused on investment in Africa. Uploading to the dashboard is FREE and your opportunity is accessible by our registered network of investors who include venture capital investors, impact investors, private and listed equity investors, project debt providers, debt investors, DFI’s, sovereign wealth funds, infrastructure investors and LP’s.

NOTE: Only opportunities supported by either registered financial intermediaries, or official government agencies, or that have comprehensive financial plans and  investor decks or Investment Memorandums, prepared will be considered for inclusion on this platform. If you raising pre-seed funding or require help from a corporate advisor, please upload your project onto our Africa Business Opportunities Dashboard or contact us at

Instructions for Accessing Dashboard for the First Time

Click on the Apply for Funding button above. This will take you to our website. Once you have registered your personal details, you can post an investment opportunity for your own entity, or where you are representing underlying clients, on their behalf. Once these have been approved for publication on the dashboard they will be immediately available, if you have marked them as public, to be viewed by our network of global investors who can connect with you directly on the platform.

Before using please refer to our Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

Additional Fund Raising Services

In addition to our African Investments Dashboard, we offer a wide range of Fund Raising Services all designed to maximise your chance of a successful capital raise.  Please Contact Us for more details on these services.